

Raysteeds Infotech offers comprehensive mobile app development services to cater to the unique needs of businesses across different industries. Mobile app development is the process of creating applications for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. It involves designing, developing, testing, and deploying mobile apps that run on various operating systems, including iOS (Apple) and Android (Google) platforms.

To provide top-notch mobile app development services, we use the latest tools and technologies, including Swift, Java, Kotlin, React Native, Ionic, and Flutter. Our team of experienced developers can build custom mobile applications from scratch or modify existing applications. We are committed to providing cost-effective and reliable mobile app solutions that meet the needs of businesses across various industries.

Overall, our mobile app development services are designed to provide our clients with a competitive advantage in the marketplace by delivering high-quality, user-friendly, and scalable mobile applications. We specialize in creating custom mobile applications that are tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients.


What Do You Expect with Our Mobile App Development Service

When you choose our mobile app development services at Raysteeds Infotech, you can expect the following:

  • Customized Mobile App Solutions
  • User-Centric Design
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility
  • Agile Development Approach
  • Robust Functionality and Performance
  • Thorough Testing and Quality Assurance
  • Timely Delivery
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance
  • Transparent Communication and Collaboration
  • Commitment to Client Satisfaction


In our mobile app development service, we offer a wide range of solutions and expertise to help businesses create innovative and high-quality mobile applications.

native mobile app

Native App Development

We have expertise in building native mobile apps for specific platforms such as iOS (Apple) and Android (Google). Native apps are developed using platform-specific programming languages (Swift/Objective-C for iOS, Java/Kotlin for Android) and take full advantage of the capabilities and performance of the target platform.

Key benefit:

App Performance
Smooth User Experience
Access to Device Features
Offline Capabilities
Platform-specific Capabilities
App Store or Play Store Optimization
Integration with Platform Ecosystem

Hybrid App Development

We utilize cross-platform development frameworks such as React Native and Flutter to create mobile apps that can run on multiple platforms with a single codebase. This approach helps businesses reach a wider audience while reducing development time and costs. Hybrid apps offer the ability to deploy on multiple platforms while providing access to native device features and functionality.

Key benefit:

Cross-Platform Compatibility
Single Codebase
Code Reusability
Wider Audience Reach
Consistent User Experience
Access to Native Features
Simplified Testing
Faster Development
Easier Updates and Maintenance
hybrid mobile app
custom mobile app

Custom Mobile App Development

Custom mobile app development is a service provided by Raysteeds Infotech to create personalized and tailored mobile applications for businesses. We understand that every business has unique requirements and objectives, and our team of skilled developers works closely with clients to design and develop custom mobile apps that meet their specific needs.

By leveraging the latest technologies and following industry best practices, we create mobile apps that are user-friendly, visually appealing, intuitive navigation, smooth performance, and offer seamless functionality. Our custom mobile app development service covers various platforms, including iOS and Android, ensuring that your app can reach a wide audience.

Whether you need a mobile app for e-commerce, social networking, on-demand services, or any other business purpose, our custom mobile app development service can transform your ideas into reality. We offer ongoing support and maintenance to keep your app up-to-date and provide new features as your business evolves.


Why do you need to build a mobile app for your business?

Building a mobile app for your business can bring several benefits and advantages. Here are some reasons why you may need to consider developing a mobile app.

  • Increased Customer Reach
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement
  • Improved Customer Convenience
  • Customer Loyalty and Retention
  • Improved Accessibility
  • Monetization Opportunities
  • Branding and Recognition
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Direct Marketing Channel
  • Data Collection and Insights
  • Additional Revenue Streams
  • Adaptation to Mobile-First Trends


The process of building a mobile app typically involves several stages. Here is a general flow that outlines the steps involved in mobile app development.


Ideation and Conceptualization

The first step is to brainstorm and generate ideas for your mobile app. Identify the problem your app will solve or the value it will provide to users. Define the app's target audience, key features, and desired outcomes.


Research and Market Analysis

Conduct thorough research and analyze the market to identify competitors, user preferences, and industry trends. This information will help you refine your app concept and make informed decisions throughout the development process.


Wireframing and Prototyping

Create a visual representation of your app's screens and functionality through wireframes and prototypes. This step helps in planning the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design and allows you to gather feedback and make necessary revisions before moving forward.


UI/UX Design

Design the visual elements, interface components, and user interactions of your app. Focus on creating an intuitive and visually appealing design that aligns with your brand identity and enhances the overall user experience.


Code Development

Develop the actual mobile app using programming languages and frameworks suitable for the target platform(s) (e.g., Swift or Objective-C for iOS, Java or Kotlin for Android). This stage involves coding the app's features, integrating APIs and backend systems, and implementing the UI/UX design.


App Testing

Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix any bugs, usability issues, or performance problems. Test the app on various devices, operating systems, and network conditions to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.


Live Store Deployment

Prepare your app for release on the relevant app stores, such as the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Follow the respective app store guidelines, complete the necessary documentation, and submit your app for review and approval.


Launch and Promotion

Once your app is approved, launch it on the app stores and start promoting it to your target audience. Utilize various marketing strategies such as app store optimization, social media campaigns, and online advertising to increase app visibility and downloads.


Analytics & Maintenance

Continuously monitor and maintain your app after launch. Address user feedback, fix any issues that arise, and release regular updates with new features, improvements, and bug fixes to keep your app relevant and competitive.


We have expertise in developing web applications for these industries and have delivered successful projects to our clients. This company is well-versed in the latest technologies and trends in these industries, but not limited to

E-commerce and Retail
Healthcare and Fitness
Food and Restaurant
Travel and Hospitality
Banking and Finance
Education and E-learning
Real Estate and Property
Entertainment and Media
Transportation and Logistics
Social Networking and Communication
Automotive and Manufacturing
Fashion and Lifestyle
Sports and Fitness
Government and Public Sector
Non-Profit Organizations


Choosing between web app development and mobile app development depends on several factors, including the target audience, desired features, performance requirements, budget, and time constraints. Web app development and mobile app development are two distinct approaches to creating applications, each with its own advantages and considerations.

Web App Development

  • Web apps are accessed through web browsers and do not require installation from an app store.
  • They are developed using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and can be accessed on various devices with internet connectivity.
  • Web apps are platform-independent, meaning they can run on different operating systems (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux) and devices (e.g., desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones).
  • Updates to web apps can be deployed instantly as users access the latest version through the web server.
  • Web apps have a broader reach as they can be accessed by anyone with a compatible web browser, regardless of the device or operating system they use.
  • However, web apps may have limited access to certain device features and APIs, and their performance can be dependent on network connectivity.

Mobile App Development

  • Mobile apps are specifically designed and developed for mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets) and are typically downloaded and installed from app stores (e.g., Apple App Store, Google Play Store).
  • They are built using platform-specific programming languages and frameworks such as Java or Kotlin for Android apps and Swift or Objective-C for iOS apps.
  • Mobile apps can access various device capabilities and APIs, including camera, GPS, accelerometer, and push notifications, enabling more advanced functionalities.
  • They offer an optimized user experience tailored to the specific characteristics of mobile devices, such as touch interactions and screen sizes.
  • Mobile apps can work offline and provide better performance and responsiveness compared to web apps.
  • However, developing separate apps for different platforms (Android and iOS) requires additional effort and resources.
  • Mobile apps generally provide a more immersive and native-like experience, leveraging the features and design patterns specific to the targeted platform.
Android Studio
React Native